Melting Furnaces

  • Melting is one of the major application of the induction heating
  • Proven design for a high degree of reliability and safety
  • Our furnaces is suited for the following foundry applications: Steel foundries, Non-ferrous metal foundries, Laboratory test furnaces, Precious metal furnaces and many other foundry applications

Melting metals with induction heating has following advantages:

  • homogenous consistency and temperature,
  • quality and purity of the mold,
  • minimal presence of gases in the mold,
  • possibility of conducting the process in the vacuum or protected atmosphere.

Major Features

  • The furnace body and pouring system are designed with steel profiles, providing safe workflow during the pouring of the charge from the furnace. The pouring shield prevents the spilling of the charge on the inductor.
  • The robust steel construction of the pouring system minimizes the distortion during the pouring of the charge, protecting and saving the insulation lining.
  • The furnaces are built for both ferrous and nonferrous metals. For ferrous metals the pouring system is usually designed with rammed lining, and for nonferrous metals with graphite vessel.
  • The induction coil is made of rectangular profiled copper tubes, contributing to firmness, longevity and great efficiency of the coil.
  • Magnetic yokes of furnaces enable low magnetic radiations workplace requirements.
  • Efficient water cooling of the induction coil provides for a longer life of the insulation lining.
  • The pouring system is equipped with electrical hydraulic pump for pouring the charge, and also with an emergency or power failure manual standby pump.
  • We are manufacturing single or double furnaces, with single power supply unit.
  • Proven furnace design and the efficient IGBT converter reduce power consumption and energy losses.


 Double furnace


 Double furnace with push-out crucible


Furnace with crucible AX300


Continuous casting furnaces


Table 1 shows the production capacity of ELING induction furnaces in kg/h of charge for various converter power values.

The data is given for a warmed-up furnace (second melting), and proper and clean charge material.

For other materials, the data for bronze should be multiplied with following coefficients:

2,65 - gold,
1,5 - silver,
1,2 - aluminium bronze,
0,8 - copper.

kW steel
40 45 60 85 45
60 85 90 155 85
100 140 155 260 140
150 220 240 430 220
200 310 340 610 320
250 420 470 820 430
300 520 590 1010 530
350 620 670 1200 630
400 720 800 1400 730
500 900 1000 1700 910
600 1080 1200 2100 1100
750 1380 1550 2600 1400
1000 1800 2040 3400 1850
Table1: melting capacity(kg/h)